Quang-Tuan Dang
I am currently a postdoctoral fellowship at The Abdus Salam Internatinal Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) with C. Arezzo.
Email: qdang[at]ictp.it
Office: Leonardo Building, #126
Phone: +39 040 2240 274
I defended my PhD thesis in 2022 under the joint supervision of Chinh H. Lu (Orsay) and Vincent Guedj (Toulouse). The title of my dissertation was "Pluripotential Monge-Ampère flows", defended on May 16, 2022 to the following jury: Thomas Gauthier (Président du jury), Daniele Angella (Rapporteur), Slawomir Dinew (Rapporteur), Paul Gauduchon (Examinateur), Alexandra Otiman (Examinatrice) and Vincent Guedj (Co-directeur de thèse).
My CV is available here (fr.).